Blades and Points

Little Beaver’s replaceable blades and points mount on the company’s regular and heavy-duty snap-on augers with ease. They protect the augers from wear while drilling in soils that range from loamy soil to compacted rock.

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Little Beaver’s replaceable blades and points mount on the company’s regular and heavy-duty snap-on augers with ease. They protect the augers from wear while drilling in soils that range from loamy soil to compacted rock.

  • Fasten to the auger with two steel bolts, and operators can remove the bolts with a common adjustable wrench
  • Ideally suited for loamy soils or areas with few rocks
  • Made from cold-rolled steel and hard surfacing to the edges
  • Smaller-diameter augers (1-1/2-in., 2-in. and 3-in.) use standard points that simply screw or pin on
  • Carbide blades fasten to the bottom of snap-on augers and cut hard clay and frozen ground into smaller pieces
  • Heavy-duty snap-on augers use specially designed, heavy-duty steel and carbide blades and tips for abrasive soils and compacted rock
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